National Environmental Act (1980) of Sri Lanka Vs National Environmental Act (2007) of Bhutan
The Environment (Protection) Act empowers the central government to safeguard and improve environmental quality, control and reduce pollution from all sources, and prohibit or restrict the establishment and/or operation of any industrial facility based on environmental considerations. When considering the National Environment Protection Act of 1980 of Sri Lanka and the National Environment Protection Act of 2007 of Bhutan following similarities and differences can be seen. When considering the purpose of the National Environmental Act of Sri Lanka, the Central Environmental Authority was established. It is known as the National Environment Commission in Bhutan. The Authority in Sri Lanka is made up of three members. The commission in Bhutan, on the other hand, must have a maximum of nine members. When it comes to the Authority's and Commission's roles, the majority of them are similar. They protect and promote a safe and healthy environment by preventing, controlling, and abati...